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Hawaii Shop (page 5 of 7).

Mums Seedless Lychee.


Family Lychees.


Tropilicious Love The Lychee! Sorbet / Lava Java! Kona Coffee Ice Cream.


Duffy's Lychee-flavored Lychee Lychee Drink.

LYYYYYYYYYC -- Crumpets? Hawaii? Crumpets?

Taro Brand Bakery Hawaiian Taro Sweet/Taro Rolls.

I wished I could have found a single-serving pak of these things, I've heard that the taro roll experience is a positive one.

Meadow Gold Haupia Yogurt.

I'm going to go off on a limb and say "haupia" is Hawaiian for "coco-nut" or "coco-nut" is English for "haupia" really. Though Malaysia is the home of the coco-nut, and I don't know what "coco-nut" is in Malay, but I will. Oh, I will. I am the language master. Do not try to stymie me with your non-English words, for I shall vanquish my ignorance in one fell swoop with various golden mental processes.

Meadow Gold Guava/Mandarin Orange Yogurt.

Here is some more yogurt. [bows]

Assorted Hawaiian Condoms.

See, this is what is wrong with pure, unfettered capitalism today. You get some dipshit who thinks "Hey, why not put a Hawaiian spin on ... condoms?" It is a question no one should have to ask themselves in any of our lifetimes. Also, it looks more like it's supposed to be some kind of spooky Hawaiian ghost. Please put the spirit of a dead Hawaiian on your member, thank you.

Tropical-flavored condoms.

Surf's "Up." Ha ha. Har. Single serving flavor condoms, for the guy "on the go" but not too much "on the go." Probably like a guy who's "on the clock" if you follow me.

Jennies Coconut Macaroons.

David Cross. Easy out.

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